The Dr. G. Wesley Allen Council of Deliberation and the Annie P. Rogers State Grand Assembly will have its January Orient meeting for all Consistories, COR Chapters, and Assemblies as follows:
Saturday, August 24, 2024
Embassy Suites
201 Harrison Oaks Blvd
Cary, NC 27513
9:00 am
All DGWA COD Officers and NC COR Officers are requested to be present at 8:30 am for the Executive Board meeting. If you are unable to attend, please let Deputy Upchurch know, so that you may be excused. The August meeting of the Orient will follow at 9:00 am for all other GIG(s), SP(s), and Loyal Ladies. Overseers of the Works and SGA Organizers and Overseers, please forward this information accordingly and encourage ALL members to attend. The attire is business casual. As a reminder, the host for the August Orient Session is the Mountain Area.
SGIG James H. Upchurch
Deputy for the Orient of NC
GIG Joseph W. Burwell, #218
Grand Administrative Assistant